Architecture Space and Society Centre



Lecturer in History of Architecture vacancy – closes 12 July

Birkbeck’s History of Art Department is seeking a lecturer in history of architecture 1800-now, full-time fixed term. Deadline 12 July 2021.

Pandemic Spaces: Two conversations & a workshop – 20 May 2021

Thursday 20 May: Leslie Topp and Miloš Kosec host this workshop open to participants based on two pre-recorded conversations, ‘Pandemic spaces: cordons and borders’ and ‘Pandemic spaces: homes and rooms’.

Late Gothic, Extinction & Afterlife – 28 May 2021

Friday 28 May: Robert Bork (University of Iowa) will explore both the original fate of the late Gothic tradition, and the forces behind its curiously conflicted reception.

Leslie Topp Inaugural Lecture: The Spaces We Are Reduced To – 7 June 2021

Monday 7 June: In this inaugural lecture, ‘The Spaces We Are Reduced To’, Professor Leslie Topp will explore what the pandemic has taught her about the phenomenon of spatial reduction in nineteenth-century carceral institutions.

Thinker in Architecture Zeynep Çelik Alexander – 7 May 2021

Friday 7 May: ASSC’s Thinker in Architecture Zeynep Çelik Alexander examines the role that the Museum of Economic Geology played as a proto-database, connecting thousands of geological specimens to the world of economic activity beyond.

2021 Spring Programme

ASSC is pleased to announce its new Spring 2021 Programme of events, with talks on postwar redevelopment, the epistemology of modern design, and the spatial control of epidemics past and present.

Boom Cities in 1960s Britain – 11 March 2021

Thursday 11 March: Otto Saumarez Smith (University of Warwick) will discuss how, around and about the pivotal date of 1963, various political cultures informed and interacted with the widespread ambition to totally reshape British city centres.

Form, Class & Crisis at Robin Hood Gardens – 4 March 2021

Thursday 4 March: Nicholas Thoburn (University of Manchester) considers Brutalist architecture’s class dimensions, through the experimental forms, charged voids and afterlives of east London’s Robin Hood Gardens.


Birkbeck is offering a number of PhD scholarships that will aim to actively address under-representation at the highest level of research, and encourage BAME students to consider academic research in all disciplines. First offered in 2020/21, Diversity100 applications will be invited again for the following academic year entry and further details will be announced shortly.

Modernism and the New Man – 12 November 2020

Thursday 12 November 6pm: The creation of Soviet culture in the 1920s and the 1930s was the most radical of modernist projects. Tijana Vujosevic (University of British Columbia) discusses the ideological role of architecture as fiction and practice shaping the material environment, and with it, the modern self.

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