Primary Sources Smithsonian Institution Archives: NMNH (National Museum of Natural History) Office of Exhibits, Special Exhibition Records, 198...

The theme of this session was visual communication: how does visual media affect conversations with the public about energy? The first speaker to add...

The third knowledge exchange session addressed the theme of participation in energy-related communication projects. Topics discussed included policy ...
1st Day, 24 JULY 13.30-14.00 Registration (Dalton and Joule Suite) 14.00-14.10 Welcome Georgina Young (Science and Industry Museum) ...
Selected Bibliography on Energy Communication (re-uploaded on 14 May 2018 due to technical problem with the Birkbeck website) • Behavioural Ins...
On 30 November 2017, the MCE project held its final event at the Dana Research Centre, the Science Museum, London. The MCE research finding sheets ca...
On 6 October 2017, the MCE project and the British Film Institute (BFI) co-organised a workshop on energy related films. The event combined presen...
For the full report on the conference by Vanessa Taylor and Heather Chappells, please go to the Rachel Carson Center's website. On 27...
A new blog series ‘Experts: Past, Present and Future’ has been launched as a joint initiative by the MCE project, the Institute for Advanced...
Frank Trentmann, Materielle Kultur und Energiekonsum: Verbraucher und ihre Rolle für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung (oekom verlag München, 2016). ...