TRANSITION, DISRUPTION AND EVERYDAY LIFE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY LEARN MORE HOW ENERGY HAS TRANSFORMED DAILY LIFE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURYLEARN MORE ENERGY INTERSECTS WITH EVERYDAY LIVES UNEVENLY ACROSS TIME AND SPACELEARN MORE ResearchMaterial Cultures of Energy is a research project that examines how energy has transformed daily life in the twentieth century. LEARN MORE Connections and Disconnections Spatial transformations of energy and everyday life Energy Communication Improving energy-related public communication Energy Communication Toolkit The five tools in this toolkit are designed to address core issues in energy communication. Energy Futures Visions and projections of future energy consumption in the past Energy Disruption Shortages reveal people’s potential for flexibility and resilience Energy Transitions in Everyday Life Changing fuels, changing practices Activities Our project activities and outreach All activities Energy Communication Toolkit 13 July 2021 We have just published a project publication Energy Communication Toolkit, based on our research and engagement project Communicating Material Cultur... Fourth Knowledge Exchange Session: Energy Communication, Behaviour Change and Beyond 04 November 2019 This knowledge exchange session focused on the relationship between communication and energy-related behaviour change. It discussed the advantages an... Events Events organised by the MCE project team and our involvement in external events All events 24 - 25 July 2019 Energy and Public Communication Conference Conference Energy and Public Communication 24–25 July 2019 Science and Industry Museum, Manchester, UK Funded by the Arts and Humani... 30 - 30 November 2017 MCE Final Event: Energy Transitions in the 20th century – Lessons from the Past for the Future Energy Transitions in the 20th century: Lessons from the Past for the Future For event reports and finding sheets, please see here. 6.00pm, Thur...