We welcomed 1372 visitors through the doors of the Conceiving Histories exhibition in November and December 2017. Amongst the many generous comments in the Peltz Gallery visitors’ book, people described the exhibition as: ‘compassionate’, ‘moving’, incredible’, ‘fascinating’, ‘evocative’, ‘heart-breaking’, ‘haunting’ and ‘emotional’.
Anna and Isabel took around six tour groups, hosted a gallery launch and an academic/artist symposium, The Pregnant Archive, with Dr Emma Cheatle of Newcastle. We took part in the Being Human Festival, the UKs first national festival for humanities research.
We are sending out copies of our exhibition catalogue to those who couldn’t make it but would have liked to. If you would like a free copy contact Isabel (i.davis@bbk.ac.uk) with your name and address and she’ll send one to you.
Isabel spoke to the amazing Natalie Silverman at the Fertility Podcast about the project in the lead up to our exhibition.
Four visitors were inspired to write blog posts about the exhibition:
Review by Professor Diane Watt, University of Surrey
Review by Pauline Suwanban for Birkbeck’s Institute for Social Research Blog
Review by Leonie Shanks for the MaMSIE Blog.
Although our exhibition has closed, this isn’t the end of the project. Watch this space and follow us on Twitter to keep up with the project.
With special thanks to our funders: the Peltz Gallery, Birkbeck’s Centre for Medical Humanities and those philanthropic individuals who donated through our Kickstarter campaign.
With thanks to the Wellcome Trust and Birkbeck College who funded the research behind this exhibition.
With thanks too to all those who came, blogged, tweeted, gave us their feedback, told their friends and generally and in every way supported us.
Photographs © Dominic Mifsud 2016.