Jennifer Crane explores how gifted children were imagined as potential peacetime leaders, or as dangerous future citizens who might use their unique talents to subvert authority.
Tag: Wunderblock
States of Security: John Bowlby, Child Psychology, and National Security in the Cold War
How did child psychologists contribute to the Cold War discourse of “National Security”? Carolyn Laubender discusses the relationship between John Bowlby’s attachment theory and larger political anxieties about the protections offered by the nation state.
Do Good Enough Mothers Make Good Enough Democracy?
As Emma Smith’s Wunderblock opens at the Freud Museum London, we publish here one of the texts by the Hidden Persuaders team that informed the development of the exhibition.
Wunderblock: A New Exhibition at the Freud Museum

An exhibition of new work at the Freud Museum London, 6 March- 26 May 2019, by artist Emma Smith, drawing on original research by the Hidden Persuaders Project.