Naomi Richman examines the language, metaphors and imagery that our minds attach to the ‘invisible enemy’ that is coronavirus.
Creating a World of Colour in the Belly of the Beast
Philosopher Lisa Guenther discusses the experiences of Donny Johnson, who survived solitary confinement in a supermax prison for over twenty years by immersing himself in art and writing.
Stanley Milgram’s Forgotten Experiment
Marcia Holmes and Daniel Pick’s new article ‘Voices Off: Stanley Milgram’s cyranoids in historical context’ is available to read and download.
Lisa Guenther, Philosopher of Prisons
During June and July 2019, the Hidden Persuaders group invited political philosopher Lisa Guenther to lead a series of events on the topic of incarceration. A podcast of her keynote lecture ‘No Prisons on Stolen Land: Prison Abolition and Decolonization as Interconnected Struggles’ is now online.
Symposium on Child Psychoanalysis, Observation and Visual Culture: Podcasts
Podcasts on the historical and contemporary relationships between child psychoanalysis, observation and visual culture from the Hidden Persuaders Symposium, 6th April 2019, Freud Museum London.
Gifted Children as Hidden Persuaders in the Cold War
Jennifer Crane explores how gifted children were imagined as potential peacetime leaders, or as dangerous future citizens who might use their unique talents to subvert authority.
States of Security: John Bowlby, Child Psychology, and National Security in the Cold War
How did child psychologists contribute to the Cold War discourse of “National Security”? Carolyn Laubender discusses the relationship between John Bowlby’s attachment theory and larger political anxieties about the protections offered by the nation state.
Conference Programme: Decolonising Madness?
This conference aims to contribute to the debate on the universality and cross-cultural applications of the notions of mental health and illness by exploring the historical origins and development of the notion of ‘global psyche’ and transcultural psychiatry.
Do Good Enough Mothers Make Good Enough Democracy?
As Emma Smith’s Wunderblock opens at the Freud Museum London, we publish here one of the texts by the Hidden Persuaders team that informed the development of the exhibition.
Wunderblock: A New Exhibition at the Freud Museum
An exhibition of new work at the Freud Museum London, 6 March- 26 May 2019, by artist Emma Smith, drawing on original research by the Hidden Persuaders Project.