New Institutional Research Seminar: Understanding the Modern Business Corporation

Time: Wednesday 13 March 1pm

Location: Loughborough University of London, Room 2.05


Gerhard Schneider and Philipp Kern, Loughborough University London, “Investigating New Types of ‘Decoupling’: Minority Shareholder Protection in the Law and Corporate Practice”

David Gindis, University of Hertfordshire, “A Critical Appraisal of Corporate Abolitionism”

Call for Abstract – Envisioning the future. Alternative economies, collectives and communities – Lille 3-5 July 2019

Call for Papers – Panel organised by the IIPPE Social Capital Working Group

 THEME: Envisioning the future. alternative economies, collectives and communities

 Asimina Christoforou, Athens University of Economics and Business

Luca Andriani, Birkbeck, University of London


A social capital panel on Envisioning the Future. Alternative Economies, Collectives and Communities will be held within the 2019 IIPPE annual conference in Lille, 3-5 July 2019. The deadline for abstracts submissions is January 29 2019.

Collective and community economies represent alternative ways of dealing with important issues such as deprivations, inequalities and conflicts. These alternative economic approaches rely on the strength of social norms and networks of cooperation and solidarity challenging conventional universals of homo economicus. They can be found in a variety of collective efforts and initiatives, which include, but are not restricted to, cooperative production in worker-recuperated enterprises; social kitchens and second-hand stores for the satisfaction of basic needs; community and environmental movements against reckless urban and industrial expansion; alternative currencies and microfinance institutions for local exchange and credit.

In light of these developments, we invite proposals for papers to be presented in the Social Capital Working Group’s panels at IIPPE’s Annual Conference. Proposals could examine the development of alternative collective and community economies in different parts of the world and investigate their potential to combat the individualisation and marketisation of human action and to create transformational relations toward a cooperative and solidaristic economy and society. Many studies have pointed to the critical role of social capital as norms and networks of trust, reciprocity and collaboration in creating values and institutions of cooperation, democracy and welfare. Yet some point to the possibility of degeneration as a result of inherent tensions between economic and social objectives and the pressures of a global environment where the pursuit of economic profit and cost-competitiveness prevail. These are hypotheses that need to be further theorised and empirically tested in order to uncover the role of social norms and networks in developing alternative perceptions and practices of working and living on the basis of cooperative values and institutions.

We also encourage contributions that generally address the topic of social capital. We welcome works that derive from various social science disciplines and use different units of analysis (individual, regional, country or cross-country level), methodologies and techniques (theoretical, empirical, qualitative and quantitative).


 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Please submit your proposal by January 15, 2019.


To submit a proposal, please go to the IIPPE home page and check “Submit proposal”. You will be transferred to the Electronic Proposal Form (EPF) located at There you first need to register on the platform and create an account. (For English, select the small English flag near the upper left corner of the page.)

To register, click on the down arrow next to the “Login” button in the upper right corner of the page, and then select “Create account”. Fill in the simple information and submit, and you will get a response for confirmation sent to the email address given. Once you have done that, you can submit a proposal.

To submit, select “Submission” from the left column. “Step 1: Instructions” gives you all the instructions that are necessary beyond the obvious ones provided during the submission process by the site. “Step 2: Submit” takes you to the submission process itself.

When you submit, be sure to select IIPPE Paper under the category “Type”. Only after that will a category “Topic” with the list of Working Groups appear. Please choose “Social Capital Working Group” to submit to our panel. 


For queries and suggestions, you may contact Asimina Christoforou, Coordinator of the Social Capital Working Group:

For general information about IIPPE, Working Groups, and the Conference:

New Institutional Research Seminar Series: Rationing by Racing

Time: Thursday 6 Dec at 1pm

Place: Loughborough University London, Harvard Lecture Theatre on the 1st floor, Here East, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park


Douglas Allen is a Canadian economist and the Burnaby Mountain Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada. He is known for his research on transaction costs and property rights, and how these influence the structure of organizations and institutions. His research covers four broad areas: transaction cost theory, economic history, agricultural organizations, and the family. See more information on

New Institutional Research Seminar Series: Why Institutional Research Needs to be Interdisciplinary

Inaugural Event of the new Seminar Series on Institutional Research

Organisers: Birkbeck Centre for Political economy and Institutional Studies (CPEIS) and Loughborough University London

Date and Time: Tuesday 23 October 2018, 14.00 – 16.00

Location: Birkbeck, University of London, 30 Russell Square, Room 101

Sponsor: Department of Management, Birkbeck University of London


This is the inaugural seminar of a new Seminar Series on Institutional Research organised jointly by Loughborough University London and Birkbeck Centre for Political Economy and Institutional Studies. The seminar will host the following guest speakers:

  • Geoffrey Hodgson, Loughborough University London: “Does mainstream economics understand institutions?”
  • Francesca Gagliardi, University of Hertfordshire: “Institutional Complementarity: A buzzword or a useful tool for interdisciplinary institutional research and policy making?”
  • Klaus Nielsen, Birkbeck, University of London: “The ‘institutional turn’ the social sciences”

Moderator: Luca Andriani, Birkbeck University of London and CPEIS

The seminar will be followed by a social event with drinks and snacks immediately after the seminar   at 16.00-17.00.

Seminar: Geo-economics of the Asia Pacific; TPP, AIIB and the Trump Shock

Date and Time: 26 June 2018, 6pm-8pm

Location: Room MAL B35, Malet Street, Birkbeck College, London, WC1E 7HX, United Kingdom


In the contemporary Asia Pacific, great power rivalry has unfolded not only in security and military affairs, but also more prominently through economic interactions in the area of trade and investment. Hence, geo-economics, an admixture of the logic of conflict with the methods of commerce, (Luttwak 1990, 19), has become an important component of power politics in the region.

In the area of trade, despite President Trump’s withdrawal from the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) agreement in January 2017, the remaining 11 countries have managed to agree and sign the TPP-11 in March 2018. In the area of investment, China’s ambition through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is reshaping the region’s economic landscape. This talk with Proffessor Saori N. Katada focuses on these economic developments in the last five years and examines how these initiatives shape the regional economic order. 

Saori N. Katada is Associate Professor at School of International Relations at University of Southern California. She is a co-author of two new books: The BRICS and Collective Financial Statecraft (Oxford University Press, 2017), and Taming Japan’s Deflation: The Debate over Unconventional Monetary Policy (Cornell University Press, forthcoming November 2018). Her single-authored book Banking on Stability: Japan and the Cross-Pacific Dynamics of International Financial Crisis Management (University of Michigan Press, 2001) received Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Book Award. She has also published six edited and co-edited books and numerous articles on the subjects of trade, financial and monetary cooperation in East Asia as well as Japanese foreign aid. She is currently working on a book manuscript on Japan’s foreign economic policy and East Asian regionalism. For her research on regionalism, she was recently awarded Asia Studies Fellow at the East-West Center in Washington, Japan Foundation Research Grant and National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship. She has her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Political Science) in 1994, and B.A. from Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo). Before joining USC, she served as a researcher at the World Bank in Washington D.C., and as International Program officer at the UNDP in Mexico City.

Tickets can be booked through eventbrite

For more information about this event please contact Dr Ali Burak Guven (

This event is jointly hosted by the Department of Politics, Birkbeck, the Centre for Political Economy and Institutional Studies, Birkbeck and UCL Centre for Comparative Studies of Emerging Economies

Call for Abstract – Corporate Behaviour and Institutional Constraints: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Institutional Dysfunctions and Firm Behaviour – Abstract Deadline 22 April 2018

One-day Workshop on

Location and Date: King’s College, London, UK, 4th July, 2018  

Organisers: Department of International Development (King’s College, London); Centre for Political Economy and Institutional Studies (Birkbeck University of London) and Centre for Comparative Studies of Emerging Economies (University College London)

Sponsor: King’s College “King’s Together Fund”, Department of International Development

Workshop Agenda (.pdf)


This one-day workshop aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines to improve our theoretical, empirical and methodological understanding of institutional dysfunctions as well as their relationship with corporate behaviour under various perspectives and aspects. We focus on a specific manifestation of institutional dysfunctionality – wrong-doing by corporate actors, encompassing acts of corruption, fraud, tax evasion, as well as abuses of human rights and environmental damage, but we are also interested in related issues around responses to institutional void.

We welcome works that derive from different academic disciplines (including, but not limited to, political science, economics, development studies, law, sociology and organisational studies), use different units of analysis (individual, firms and organisations, regional, country, cross-country level) and different methodologies and techniques (theoretical, empirical, qualitative and quantitative)

We invite submissions of papers from any relevant discipline addressing issues including but not limited to:

  • Corruption and rent-seeking behaviour, bribe payment
  • Corporate fraud, tax evasion and tax morale
  • Illegal lobbying or unlawful interference in legal and judiciary processes
  • Trust, informal institutions and institutional voids
  • Human right abuses
  • Labour right abuses
  • Involvement in armed conflict
  • Environmental damage

Application Deadline  

Submit a structured abstract (max. 500 words) by 22 April 2018 to

Structured abstracts: Submitted abstracts need to explicitly follow the following structure:

Research Type: Conceptual, Theoretical, Empirical or Review (select one)

Research Question/Issue: 1 or 2 sentences presenting the focus of the paper

Method: 1 or 2 sentences clarifying the methodological approach chosen, and data source, if the paper is conceptual/theoretical state the main framework your research builds on.

Key Findings/Insights: 1 to 3 sentences explaining the findings or insights derived from your study. This section should highlight the contribution of your work to the broader literature.

Implications: in this section, please state the broader implications of your findings for researchers and/or policy-makers, as appropriate.

Authors of accepted abstract will be notified by 4 May 2018.

Workshop Fees

There is no fee for attending the workshop. Participants will be offered lunch, coffee and snacks during breaks, and are invited to a closing reception with wine and nibbles.

Participants are however expected to cover for their travel and accommodation costs, as required.

Note that a small budget is available to cover travel and accommodation expenses for some of the participants. If you would like to apply for your expenses to be covered, please do write it explicitly on your abstract and provide an indicative budget. Successful applicant for travel and accommodation grant will be notified on the 4th of May.

 Structure of Presentations:

Every paper presentation will be assigned a discussant. It is thus important that full papers are submitted two weeks before the workshop.

Convenors and Queries

For any queries please contact any of the workshop convenors: Dr Luciano Ciravegna (, Dr Luca Andriani ( and Dr Elodie Douarin (

Call for Abstract – Social Capital, Public Participation and Democracy – Deadline 15 March

9th International Conference in Political Economy,

“The State of Capitalism and the State of Political Economy”,

University of Pula, Pula, Croatia,

September 12-14, 2018.

Call for Papers – Social Capital, Public Participation and Democracy

 Panel organised by Social Capital Working Group


Asimina Christoforou, Athens University of Economics and Business
Luca Andriani, Birkbeck, University of London

Current economic crises are deeply rooted in an institutional crisis, in a social and democratic deficit.  Nowadays we often question the ability of economic and political institutions to translate people’s needs into social welfare: austerity policies have led to poverty and inequality; public goods and services in crucial areas of health, education and the environment are in decline; decisions in parliaments, elections and referenda are being challenged; human rights, especially those of immigrants and workers, are being violated; outspoken scholars and activists are being persecuted; extremist groups are spreading fear and violence; and civil conflicts and international disputes are spurring threats of war and human extinction.

In light of these developments, we invite proposals for papers to be presented in the Social Capital Working Group’s panels at the 9th International Conference in Political Economy, that examine the potential of social capital to restore democracy by cultivating norms and networks of citizen involvement and public participation. Many studies have pointed to the critical role of social capital in creating values and institutions of democracy and social welfare, by appealing to the work of Tocqueville, Dewey and Putnam. Yet some argue that the prevalence of particularised interests and powerful economic and political elites may foster hierarchical relations, clientelism and corruption and thus hinder broader participation, development and welfare. These are hypotheses that need to be further theorised and empirically tested in order to uncover the relationship between social capital and democracy.

We also encourage contributions that generally address the topic of social capital. We welcome works that derive from various social science disciplines and use different units of analysis (individual, regional, country or cross-country level), methodologies and techniques (theoretical, empirical, qualitative and quantitative).

Please submit your proposal by March 15, 2018.

To submit a proposal, please go to the Electronic Proposal Form (EPF), and carefully follow the instructions. You will need to select the Working Group “Social Capital”. You can find this form by following this link 
For general information about IIPPE, Working Groups, and the Conference:

For queries and suggestions, you may contact Asimina Christoforou, Coordinator of the Social Capital Working Group:


Workshop: Creating an Interdisciplinary Research Environment – 20 March, London

When: 20 March 2018, 13:00 — 17:00
Venue: Room 101, 30 Russell Square, Birkbeck College, University of London, WC1B 5DT
Booking details: Free entry; booking recommended

The most complex economic challenges of our time – such as ageing population, climate change, the effects of automation and globalisation – result from interlinked scientific, technical, social and individual processes, a comprehensive understanding and addressing of which require interdisciplinary approaches. Besides addressing complex challenges, interdisciplinary research is also particularly likely to produce radically novel outcomes that create innovation opportunities. Policymakers advocate greater interdisciplinarity within academia, calling for more interdisciplinary research centres, for greater funding of interdisciplinary research, and for better ways to map and measure interdisciplinary engagement and outputs.

However, universities are historically not well equipped to support interdisciplinary research, and the incentive systems that underpin most academic activities – including funding, evaluation, academic communication, publishing and career progression – militate against it. Institutions that wish to encourage more interdisciplinarity need to implement adequate initiatives to support it. This workshop intends to bring together experts engaged in the practice, study and evaluation of interdisciplinary research, in order to uncover challenges and best practices in supporting interdisciplinarity within academia.

Tickets can be booked through Eventbrite

For more information please contact either Dr Federica Rossi ( or Dr Luca Andriani (

Workshop programme:

1.00-1.30: Sandwich lunch

1:30-1:45 Introduction, prof. Julian Swann, Pro-Vice Master for Research, Birkbeck

1.45-2.45: Panel 1: Running an interdisciplinary research centre: advantages and challenges

Catherine Griffiths, Programme and Research Development Manager, Birkbeck, and Birkbeck Institute for Data Analytics

Prof Susan Michie, Director, Centre for Behavioural Change, UCL

Prof Jacqueline Rose, Co-Director, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities

Chair: Dr Luca Andriani (Centre for Political Economy and Institutional Studies)

2.45-3.45: Panel 2: What does good interdisciplinary research look like? Views from research evaluators

Dr Lisa Mooney, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, University of East London, and REF Interdisciplinary Research Advisory panel

Prof. Andrew Pettigrew, OBE, Birkbeck, University of London and University of Oxford

Dr Rachael Kiddey, Assistant editor, Independent Social Research Foundation

Chair: Dr Federica Rossi (Centre for Innovation Management Research)

3:45-4:00 Coffee break

4.00-5.00: Concluding session: Implications for research centres

Dr Sappho Xenakis, Assistant Dean for Research, Birkbeck School of Law

Prof Alex Poulovassilis, Deputy Dean for Research Enhancement, Birkbeck School of Business, Economics and Informatics

Dr Peter Zusi, Director, FRINGE Centre, UCL


Why Political Economy and Institutional Studies? CPEIS Launch Event

A half-day conference on “Why Political Economy and Institutional Studies?” will be taking place on Thursday 15 June at Birkbeck University of London to mark the launch of the Centre for Political Economy and Institutional Studies. With contributions from leading scholars from universities across the UK, the event will be a unique opportunity for reflection on the significance of political economy and institutions. Further details of the event are available here.

We very much hope you will be able to join us and look forward to seeing you there!
