Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the beginning of Spanish Republican Exile at the end of the Spanish Civil War, this event brings together scholars and artists to discuss the presence and legacies of Spanish Republican exiles in Britain within a longer history of Spanish political exiles taking refuge in this country.
This event is a collaboration between CILAVS and the Instituto Cervantes, London, and it is part of the events organised by the Instituto Cervantes to mark the 80th Anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War, which led to the exile of thousands of Republican Spanish citizens: Skies So Unlike Their Own: A Celebration of Spanish Exile in the UK, 1939. For more information on the full programme go to
Date: 12 November, 2019
Time: 10AM-2PM
Place: Keynes Library, School of Arts Birkbeck, University of London, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD
All welcome but booking here necessary.
10:00-10:15 Welcome
10:15-11:00 Daniel Muñoz Sempere (King’s College London): The 19th C Liberal and Romantic Spanish Exile in the UK.
11:00-11:45 Eva Nieto McAvoy (Cardiff University): Republican Exiles in the UK.
11:45-12:00 Coffee break
12:00-12:45 Mari Paz Balibrea (Birkbeck, University of London): Democratic Spain and Republican Exile: The long journey home.
12:45-14:00 Updating the Memory of Exile: Round table with artists Sonia Boué, María Mencía and Lala Isla. Moderated by Ignacio Peyró, Director of the Instituto Cervantes, London.
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