1 November 2019, 18:00 — 21:00
Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square, Cinema
FREE, Book your place here
A screening/lecture/demo in which Daniel discusses the emerging practices of computational analysis of moving imagery from a critical perspective. Through examples ranging from his recent collaboration with BBC R&D to create “AI television” to more experimental ways of “deep watching YouTube”, he explores the ideological dimensions of such practices by reconnecting them to the technical and aesthetic regimes of early cinema.
Daniel Chávez Heras
Daniel has been working with pictures and computers, in various capacities, for over ten years, including designing motion graphics for television, and as digital manager for the British Council. He trained as a designer in his native Mexico, and later studied film at King’s College London, where he is currently teaching computers how to watch films for his PhD at the Department of Digital Humanities.
Daniel is a Jumex Foundation scholar, and his current research is funded by Mexico’s National Science and Technology Council.