Proposals for a Dandelion Arts Week Event are invited from School of Arts Postgraduate Research Students. Founded in 2010, Dandelion is a School of Arts Postgraduate organ/network/platform/journal. The successful event will be live online during Arts Week in May 2021 and can host a creative or critical speaker or take the form of a workshop led by an external person. 

We hope that the event organizer(s) will then work as editor(s) and put together a special issue of Dandelion on their chosen theme. All current MPhil and PhD students are eligible to propose an event, as are Birkbeck postdocs who obtained their PhDs from the School of Arts between 2018 and 2021. Submissions with two or more organizers are welcomed, as is working across departments. 

Please send proposals of not more than 250 words by Wednesday 10 March including title, outline of theme and how it will be fruitfully explored through your event for a mixed public and academic audience, two or three suggested names for a potential guest speaker and how their work is relevant, contact details for all organisers, description of event, and resources required. We have (limited) funds available for payments to guest speakers and creative practitioners.

Please do send proposals and queries to Louise Owen, Sue Wiseman and Emily Senior: and