Carmen Fracchia has recently published her new book ‘Black but Human’: Slavery and Visual Arts in Hapsburg Spain, 1480-1700.
It is the first book about the visual representations of African slaves and ex-slaves in Spain during the Hapsburg dynasty, when the enslaved population reached two million. It offers a new approach to the problematisation of Afro-Hispanic slaves, and ex-slaves, as well as a new visual archive of their representation.
Book launch on December 9th
A book launch and Q&A will be held on the 9th of December, 5.15 PM, at the Institue of Historical Research, Senate House. The Q&A will be moderated by Dr Chloe Ireton (UCL), and will also have a presentation by Zoltán Biedermann (UCL).
An additional book launch will also be held at Birkbeck College. Dates and information about this event will be published on the website this coming week.
Black History Month talk: The African Presence in Spain from the 16th to the 18th Centuries
On the 8th of October Carmen will be giving a lecture titled “The African Presence in Spain from the 16th to the 18th Centuries” as part of Black History Month 2019. You can find the event description here, and sign up for the (free) tickets here. Below you can find a recent interview of her on the topic.
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