by Carmen Fracchia
Friday, 28 November 2008, 12.00 pm, Sala Manuel Gómez-Moreno, 2C10-2C24, 2a planta, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid
This talk will focus on the problematization of the visual representation of black slaves in Imperial Spain and in New Mexico: the Castilian images of the miraculous transplantation of the black leg; topographical views of Spanish urban centres by Northern European artists; works by Velázquez and by his own slave Juan de Pareja; as well as the series of Mexican casta paintings in the UK. My work will explore the impact of the considerable presence of slaves in Spanish and Mexican urban centres and the construction of the imperial gaze, between the fifteenth and the eighteenth centuries.
For more details click on Fracchia Poster .
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