The Lorraine Lim Postgraduate Fund

The Lorraine Lim Fund supports postgraduates in the School of Arts wishing to organise research events to explore, develop, and share their research interests, while gaining skills in writing a proposal, putting together a budget, advertising, and organising the event.

This postgraduate fund is named after Dr Lorraine Lim. Until her untimely death in 2017, Dr. Lim was Lecturer in Arts Management in the Department of Film, Media and Cultural Studies. As Co-Director of Birkbeck Interdisciplinary Research in Media and Culture (BIRMAC), she had a part in initiating its Graduate Student Competition. This fund commemorates and continues her work, extending the original idea by offering annual prizes to support student led initiatives in Research Centres across the School.

Lim Postgraduate Prize Details:

  • The fund is open to MPhil and PhD students, as well as those who have recently completed their doctoral study (up to one year since the viva).
  • The School will award yearly prizes, normally not exceeding £300, to support student-led events hosted by Research Centres or clusters in the School — a seminar, symposium, exhibition, research workshop/activity, or networking event with other early career researchers and academics in the field.
  • Preference may be given to collaborative submissions and submissions that that have secured additional support, either financial or in kind (i.e. facilities, refreshments), from another Birkbeck Research Centre, Institute and/or an institution outside the College (i.e. an archive, museum, gallery, library, theatre, etc).

Prizes include:

  • Mentoring within the Research Centre/Cluster.
  • Funding up to the amount awarded.
  • A room for the event (if applicable).
  • Publicity (information about the event will be sent to School of Arts students and alumni; it will be publicized through the Research Centre website and the School’s social media).
  • Basic printing and photocopying for posters (if required).

Winners will be expected to write a blog for the relevant Research Centre about the project as a condition of the award.

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit an application that includes the following information:

  • Event Title
  • Proposed Date and Location
    — The event will need to take place by 15 July 2018.
  • Description (up to 500 words)
    — outline the rationale for your event, including its contribution to the field, interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary approaches.
  • Participants
    — indicate names, identify their roles (speaker, moderator, etc.), and specify whether their participation is confirmed.
  • Potential Audience and Publicity (250 words)
    — Who is this event addressed to?
    — Why will the event/project appeal to them?
    — Through what channels do you intend to advertise the event?
  • Budget
    — Itemized breakdown of expected costs, including travel, accommodation, catering (if applicable), as well as detail of any other financial support available for the initiative.
    — NB the fund cannot be spent to pay honoraria.
  • Applicants’ Details
    — Name, email, and short biographical details of applicant(s).
    — A statement of how the project relates to your research and career plans.
  • Research Centre/Cluster
    Please indicate the name of the relevant Research Centre or Group, listing the name of the Director/Convenor/Coordinator. You will need to discuss this project with the relevant research team before submitting it.

The nominated Research Centre Director/Convenor/Coordinator will need to write a supporting statement detailing how the project fits into the research environment and indicating what mentoring mechanism will be provided to support you in developing the event.


Please submit your application to Julie Hipperson ( by Monday 8 January 2018. Please ask your Research Centre Director to write a supporting statement by the same date.

Applications will be assessed by the School’s Research Committee. Results will be announced in January 2018. The award will need to be spent and eligible claims submitted by 15 July 2018.