Scientific Labour Markets and Innovation Systems – Workshop

Birkbeck Centre for Innovation Management Research (CIMR)
Birkbeck University of London
July 4, 2014, 9.45am to 6 pm
Room MAL417

The workshop aims at discussing new contributions on the following research questions:

  • Which skills? High skills vs. intermediate skills, general skills vs. industry-, technology or firm-specific skills, and university vs. other post-secondary education systems; who bears the risk on investments in specific skills?
  • Skills where? Spatial differences: do different patterns of skills matching emerge in different regions? Spatial mobility: whether and how the migratory behaviour of skills influences education-job match.
  • Skills for what? The university focus and intellectual property bias (e.g. making patents, or making things?), or appropriability bias more generally.
  • How much skill? Skill shortages and skill surpluses (job-education mis-matching) as problems of economic development.
  • What policy for skills? Upgrading/retraining: comparative systems, mechanisms and incentives; roles of educational institutions, of employers, and of government policy in comparative perspective.

The invited presentations will be followed by a general discussion on:

  • Data bottlenecks
  • Possible methodologies and issues around them
  • Policy issues
  • Future research directions

Workshop Programme