Geoff Brown | Sonic Moves: How Music Opens out Issues of Relationality in the Cinema of Claire Denis

This interest focuses on the cinema of Claire Denis and how it addresses questions of the individual and community by means of an approach which puts into practice ideas of art as a questioning and destabilising force. Thinkers like Nancy, Agamben and Rancière highlight the value of recognising difference without enforcing its assimilation. The aim is thus to engage with how that is achieved in the work of Claire Denis, especially through the use of music in ways which disturb conventional theories of film music and in the process challenge set ideas of societal relationships.

Geoff Brown took his BA in English in 1982. After retirement in 2003, he returned to Birkbeck and received a BA in French in 2008, followed by an MA in Modern and Contemporary Literature in 2010. His current research brings together his interests in music, cinema, art and literature.

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