Dispatches from the Air

Upload your recordings

Thank-you for taking part in our sound exchange project, Dispatches from the Air. Below is a form where you can upload any sound file you’ve recorded to our audio repository for use at the mixing session in Autumn.

Please upload your sound recordings here!

Recording etiquette:

While it is acceptable to record and film people in public places around the U.K. without explicit permission, we at Birkbeck would like to recommend that you always let people know that you are recording their voices and words. Give them the option to ask for the recording to be deleted.

You can ask them in advance or after the fact. You can also signal that you are recording by using an external microphone that is visible to all or placing a sign in a public space like a square. Smartphones are sometimes quite sneaky, so try and avoid recording someone who would rather not be ‘on the record’.

How your sound recordings will be used:

All recordings uploaded via the Jotform on the BIRMAC will be used as part of the Dispatches from the Air sound mixing workshop and final listening event. The sound recordings will be used according to the Creative Commons 4.0 license. This license allows for non-commercial use with attribution. So, you will always be given credit as the original sound recorder and your recording will be used for research and artistic work, not for profit.

Trouble finding your recordings? 

If you have recorded sounds on your phone but then can’t find the files, go back to your recording app. If you select the recording you should have an option to share via the “share” button (two lines and three dots forming a backwards arrow). This should then enable you to share or save the recording somewhere, for example to your local files on your computer or Google drive.

Please note: all files need to be in mp3, mpg or avi format. If you have trouble submitting them like this, please send a link to the file or the file (+ any information about recording location, date and device) via email to: r.cupitt(at)bbk.ac.uk