Media Fossils and the Anthropocene: A Production of an Archaeological Future, lecture by Prof. Jussi Parikka

The Department of Film, Media and Cultural Studies in association with The Hub and the Computer Arts Society are delighted to announce this lecture, which is the inaugural event for The Hub and its theme Ruin/s.

Friday 24 October 2014, 6–9pm

Keynes Library, 43 Gordon Square, WC1H 0PD

The talk focuses on the growing amount of future ruins: the media technological waste we are producing as the underbelly of the contemporary fascination for the new. This production is also one of multiple temporalities, drawing on the materiality of the earth and engaging with a future that is radically changed by the presence of the humans. The talk engages with this topic through discussing fossils as well as some examples from contemporary art.


Jussi Parikka is Professor in Technological Culture & Aesthetics at the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. He is the author of various books, including Digital Contagions (2007), Insect Media (2010), What is Media Archaeology? (2012) and the forthcoming, A Geology of Media (2015). A glimpse of the forthcoming work can be found already in the just published little e-book The Anthrobscene (available from University of Minnesota Press in October 2014).


The talk is now available on YouTube


Read a review of the event here: Review of Media Fossils and the Anthropocene, by Hannah Barton

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